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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Peachy News: Actor for FOUR (Divergent) Confirmed

Thanks to Bayan Basri I found out that Four, the male lead character of Divergent, has been confirmed an actor for the role! And no this isn't  Alexander Ludwig (thank GOD!), it in fact is Theo James! Now this is definitely what I had more in mind for Four! He is known to play a role in  Downton Abbey, Underworld: Awakening and Golden Boy.

So what do you guys think? Is this the guy you had in mind for Four? I definitely think he has potential, also because he's not some teenager, and I can't wait to see him play in the movie!!

Check out my Divergent Review.

Let me know what you think in the comments below!


  1. I loved him in Underworld: Awakening, YUM! Excited much :)

  2. OH! I can't wait for that movie. By then, Dystopia is going to be everywhere. On TV thanks to Delirium and in theaters.

  3. I pictured Four differently in my head when I read the book but I am excited to see him play Four and how it turns out.

  4. I didn't think of him but that is a good Four.My pick would be Steven McQueen(Jeremy on TVD. Thanks for stopping by blog and following,I am now following you. :)

  5. YEEESSS!!! YES YES YES, a thousand times YES!! As a Downton AND Divergent fangirl, this is almost too much for me... *swoons*

  6. He needs to put on a bit more muscle. He reminds me of a young James Franco.
